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Public consultation on the draft ECB Regulation amending the Regulation on payments statistics

The European Central Bank (ECB) has finalised the Regulation amending Regulation (EU) No 1409/2013 of the ECB of 28 November 2013 on payments statistics (ECB/2013/43). The amending Regulation, published on 11 December 2020, introduces new reporting requirements in relation to information on innovative payment services and channels, payment schemes, and fraudulent payment transactions.

Collecting this information will enable the ECB to more effectively perform its catalyst and oversight roles in the areas of retail payments and payment systems. In addition to improving performance, more detailed and frequent statistical information on card payments will help to enhance the ECB’s understanding of cross-border trade and economic forecasting.

24 comments from interested parties were received during a public consultation on the draft amending Regulation, held from 27 February to 7 May 2020. These comments have been taken into account in the final amending Regulation.

Below are links to the amending Regulation, a feedback statement giving an overview and general assessment of the comments received, the individual comments submitted and other documents relating to the public consultation.

To spletno mesto uporablja piškotke

Funkcionalne piškotke uporabljamo za shranjevanje nastavitev uporabnikov in analitične piškotke za izboljšanje učinkovitosti delovanja spletnega mesta. Uporabljamo tudi piškotke tretjih oseb, nameščene s storitvami tretjih oseb, ki so vključene v spletno mesto.

Piškotke lahko sprejmete ali zavrnete. Če želite več informacij ali spremeniti izbiro piškotkov in strežniških dnevnikov, ki jih uporabljamo, si poglejte naslednje:

Izjava o varstvu zasebnosti

Več o tem, kako uporabljamo piškotke