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Euro short-term rate (€STR)

The euro short-term rate (€STR) is published on each TARGET2 business day based on transactions conducted and settled on the previous TARGET2 business day.

The ECB published the €STR for the first time on 2 October 2019, reflecting trading activity on 1 October 2019.

The ECB does not charge for the €STR or license its use.

Euro short-term rate (€STR)
last update: 11 October 2024 08:00
Rate 3.414
Reference date 10-10-2024
Volume (EUR millions) 47488
Number of active banks 34
Number of transactions 689
Share of volume of the five largest active banks 53%
Rate at 25th percentile of volume 3.39
Rate at 75th percentile of volume 3.43
Publication type standard
Calculation method normal

The ECB does not comment on daily developments in relation to the rate and supporting data.

Learn more about the €STR


Find background information on the €STR including how to download the latest and previous data.

Overview of the €STR
Previous data on €STR

Previous data on €STR is published in the ECB Data Portal

ECB Data Portal

This document explains how the €STR is calculated and how data errors are handled.

€STR methodology and policies
Communication policy

The ECB communication policy on €STR takes account of the principles of impartiality, reliability, objectivity and statistical confidentiality.

Communication policy on €STR
Compounded €STR average rates and index

Compounded €STR average rates over standardised tenors, as well as a compounded €STR index, are published in the ECB Data Portal.

ECB Data Portal

The ECB identified a need for preliminary figures, called pre-€STR, to be published prior to the full release.

Pre-€STR is available in the ECB Data Portal
Working group

The working group on euro risk-free rates was established to identify and recommend alternatives to existing benchmarks and led to the creation of the €STR.

Working group on euro risk-free rates


The euro short-term rate, and any re-publication thereof (the “rate”) and all other related data and information, including the compounded euro short-term rate average rates and the compounded euro short-term rate index, (the “information”) are published by the European Central Bank (ECB) for public information purposes only.

The ECB and the Eurosystem national central banks, in so far as they contribute to the euro short-term rate determination process, shall not be liable for any error or inaccuracy in the rate or the information, for any delay in updating the rate or the information, nor shall they be liable or responsible for any reliance on or use of or inability to use the rate or the information in any financial instrument, contract, trade or any other commercial activity or investment decision. The ECB makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to the currency, accuracy, timeliness, completeness, merchantability or fitness for purpose of the rate or the information. The ECB accepts no liability or responsibility for any loss, damage, expense or claim (including, but not limited to any direct, indirect or consequential loss, whether or not such loss is foreseeable and whether or not the ECB has been apprised of the use to which the rate or the information will be put), however arising, from reliance on, use of or inability to use the rate or the information.

This disclaimer is not intended to limit the ECB’s non-contractual liability in contravention of any requirements which accord with the general principles common to the laws of Member States or to exclude its liability for matters which cannot be excluded under such laws.

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