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Postal and delivery addresses


European Central Bank
Addressee (name and/or business area)
60640 Frankfurt am Main

Packages and deliveries

European Central Bank
Addressee (name and/or business area)
Sonnemannstrasse 22
60314 Frankfurt am Main


Please consult the ECB’s invoicing requirements.

ECB premises

Frankfurt am Main

Kaiserstrasse 29 (Eurotower)
60311 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Taunustor 2 (Japan Center)
60311 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

  • From Frankfurt airport: S-Bahn City train (lines S8 and S9) from Flughafen Regionalbahnhof to Taunusanlage; or long-distance train from Flughafen Fernbahnhof to Hauptbahnhof;
  • From Frankfurt central station (Hauptbahnhof): U-Bahn underground train (lines U4 and U5) or tram (lines 11 and 14) to Willy-Brandt-Platz; or walk 700 metres.

The premises are monitored by a video surveillance system:

ECB's video surveillance policy

The ECB is located at three addresses in Frankfurt. Here is how to reach us by public transport:

Sonnemannstrasse 20 (Main Building)
60314 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

  • From Frankfurt airport: S-Bahn City train (lines S8 and S9) from Flughafen Regionalbahnhof to Ostendstrasse; or regional train (lines RB58 and RE59) from Flughafen Fernbahnhof to Ostbahnhof.
  • From Frankfurt central station (Hauptbahnhof): S-Bahn City train (lines S1 to S6, S8 and S9) or tram (lines 11 and 14) to Ostendstrasse; or regional train or U-Bahn underground train (line U6, via Hauptwache or Konstablerwache) to Ostbahnhof.
ECB premises

Representative Office Brussels in the House of the Euro


Please direct all general queries to the offices in Frankfurt:
(+49 69 13 44 0)
ECB premises

Representative Office Washington at the IMF


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