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Publication of the Proceedings of the Fourth ECB Central Banking Conference

25 February 2008

On 9 and 10 November 2006 the European Central Bank (ECB) held its 4th Central Banking Conference entitled “The role of money – money and monetary policy in the twenty-first century”. The conference, which takes place every two years, was attended also on this occasion by high-level representatives from central banks, international and European institutions, academics from leading international universities and members of the financial press.

As it has done in previous years, the ECB has published the proceedings of the conference, with the aim of contributing to the economics literature through the release of cutting-edge research and policy contributions, on its website at Included are:

  • the final versions of the research papers and comments received;
  • the summaries of the discussions for each conference session;
  • all speeches;
  • an introduction by the Director General Research.

Hard copies of the conference proceedings can also be obtained by sending an e-mail to the ECB's Press and Information Division at


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