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Table 2: Monthly balance of payments of the euro area

(EUR billions; transactions; non−seasonally adjusted data)

Cumulated figures for the 12-month period ending August 2009 (revised) September 2009
September 2008 September 2009
Net Credit Debit Net Credit Debit Net Credit Debit Net Credit Debit
Source: ECB.
( 1 ) Financial account: inflows (+); outflows (−). Reserve assets: increase (−); decrease (+).
( 2 ) Direct investment: assets refer to direct investment abroad and liabilities to direct investment in the euro area.
CURRENTACCOUNT -105.5 2,778.3 2,883.8 -88.5 2,360.4 2,448.8 -3.5 173.4 176.9 -5.0 192.2 197.2
Goods -1.3 1,598.7 1,599.9 16.6 1,322.9 1,306.3 -1.0 93.7 94.8 2.1 112.2 110.1
Services 44.3 510.5 466.2 25.6 474.9 449.3 3.2 41.0 37.8 3.0 41.1 38.1
Income -54.7 580.2 634.9 -39.9 475.6 515.5 2.0 33.8 31.7 -2.8 34.5 37.3
Current transfers -93.8 88.9 182.7 -90.7 87.0 177.7 -7.7 4.9 12.6 -7.3 4.4 11.7
CAPITAL ACCOUNT 3.8 27.5 23.8 6.8 18.0 11.2 0.7 1.4 0.7 0.1 1.0 0.9
Balance Assets Liabilities Balance Assets Liabilities Balance Assets Liabilities Balance Assets Liabilities
FINANCIALACCOUNT1) 127.4 102.3 -5.5 10.1
DIRECTINVESTMENT2) -103.4 -412.0 308.6 -134.9 -296.6 161.7 2.8 -16.7 19.5 -25.7 -30.6 4.9
Equity capital and reinvested earnings -89.8 -271.5 182.2 -11.9 -178.7 167.3 1.9 -11.7 13.7 -2.6 -7.0 4.4
Other capital (mostly inter-company loans) -13.7 -140.5 126.4 -123.8 -117.9 -5.6 0.9 -5.0 5.9 -23.0 -23.6 0.5
PORTFOLIO INVESTMENT 185.2 -253.6 438.8 477.5 191.9 285.6 46.1 -31.6 77.7 53.7 33.8 19.9
Equity 45.6 31.4 14.2 38.5 96.0 -57.5 31.6 -4.0 35.6 -4.6 23.5 -28.1
Debt instruments 139.7 -284.9 424.6 439.0 95.9 343.0 14.5 -27.6 42.1 58.3 10.3 48.0
Bonds and notes 113.4 -218.6 332.0 202.1 92.8 109.2 1.0 -21.9 22.9 34.1 7.2 26.8
Money market instruments 26.3 -66.3 92.6 236.9 3.1 233.8 13.5 -5.8 19.3 24.2 3.1 21.1
MEMO ITEM: COMBINED DIRECT AND PORTFOLIO INVESTMENT 81.8 -665.6 747.4 342.6 -104.7 447.3 48.9 -48.3 97.2 28.0 3.2 24.8
FINANCIAL DERIVATIVES (NET) -72.4 1.5 -6.1 -1.7
OTHER INVESTMENT 116.7 -401.6 518.2 -244.3 702.6 -946.9 -48.5 28.8 -77.3 -18.9 26.0 -44.9
Eurosystem 204.9 -1.0 205.9 -94.7 12.2 -106.8 -9.9 0.1 -10.0 -19.2 1.8 -21.0
General government -0.3 5.4 -5.7 6.3 2.2 4.1 -0.8 -1.3 0.4 3.1 1.7 1.4
of which: currency and deposits 4.0 4.0 1.9 1.9 -2.2 -2.2 1.8 1.8
MFIs (excluding the Eurosystem) 30.3 -252.8 283.2 -37.0 649.2 -686.2 -11.5 31.9 -43.3 16.7 22.9 -6.1
Long-term -222.3 -226.9 4.6 -87.0 3.9 -90.9 6.2 8.7 -2.5 16.3 11.7 4.5
Short-term 252.7 -25.9 278.6 50.0 645.3 -595.3 -17.7 23.2 -40.9 0.4 11.1 -10.7
Other sectors -118.3 -153.2 34.9 -118.9 39.0 -157.9 -26.3 -1.9 -24.4 -19.5 -0.4 -19.1
of which: currency and deposits 48.3 48.3 3.8 3.8 -16.2 -16.2 5.3 5.3
RESERVE ASSETS 1.3 1.3 2.5 2.5 0.2 0.2 2.6 2.6
Errors and omissions -25.6 -20.7 8.4 -5.1