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Let's get digital on inflation, climate and the euro

How can digitalisation help central banks? And what role does cutting-edge technology play?

In this episode, host Katie Ranger talks about this and more with Claudia Plattner, our head of information systems.

The views expressed are those of the speakers and not necessarily those of the European Central Bank.

Published on 11 August 2022 and recorded on 3 August 2022.

In this episode
Women in IT

Claudia’s personal experience as a woman working in IT and how we can make sure that female talent is valued in this field.

What is nowcasting?

How digital tools help us keep prices stable and monitor how the economy is doing, and why real-time data are so important for central banks.

Digitalisation in the fight against climate change

Using information technology to make the financial system greener and how we use data to monitor climate and environmental risks.

Claudia’s thoughts on a digital euro

Why we need a digital euro and how it can help Europeans keep up with the pace of digitalisation.

Our guests’ hot tip

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