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  • 20 December 2019

ECB appoints Petra Senkovic as Director General Secretariat and Pedro Gustavo Teixeira as Director General Secretariat to the Supervisory Board

  • Petra Senkovic and Pedro Gustavo Teixeira to swap roles on 1 February 2020.

The European Central Bank (ECB) today announced the appointments of Petra Senkovic as Director General Secretariat and Secretary to ECB decision-making bodies, and Pedro Gustavo Teixeira as Director General Secretariat to the Supervisory Board and Secretary to the Supervisory Board.

Ms Senkovic, 49, is currently Director General Secretariat and Secretary to the Supervisory Board, a post she has held since November 2015. Prior to that she was Deputy Director General of the ECB Legal Services and worked at a private law firm. She holds a PhD in law from Sorbonne University and a Master of Arts in European law from the College of Europe in Bruges.

Mr Teixeira, 49, is currently Director General Secretariat and Secretary to ECB decision-making bodies, a post he has held since January 2016. He served as Director of the Secretariat and Secretary to the Supervisory Board from January 2014. Mr Teixeira started working at the ECB in 1999 in the areas of prudential supervision and financial stability. He holds a PhD in law from the European University Institute and a Master’s degree in law from the University of Coimbra.

Ms Senkovic and Mr Teixeira will take up their respective new positions on 1 February 2020.

For media queries, please contact Eszter Miltényi-Torstensson, tel.: +49 69 1344 8034.


Europese Centrale Bank

Directoraat-generaal Communicatie

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