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Second ECB Central Banking Conference "The transformation of the European financial system"

4 February 2002

The European Central Bank (ECB) will hold its second Central Banking Conference on 24 and 25 October 2002 in Frankfurt on "The transformation of the European financial system".

The first ECB Central Banking Conference was held on 2 and 3 November 2000 under the heading "Why price stability?". The purpose of these biennual conferences is to encourage an exchange of views on specific topics of interest to central bankers and also to raise awareness of the ECB's policy objectives and functioning, thereby increasing its openness and transparency. Attendance at the conference is by invitation only.

The provisional programme of the conference is attached to this press release. All papers will be made available on the ECB's website closer to the date of the conference and summaries of the discussions will be put on the website after the conference. The ECB also plans to publish a book containing the research papers, discussants' comments and summaries of the discussions as part of its ongoing contribution to economic literature.

Link to ECB Central Banking Conferences

Den Europæiske Centralbank

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