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Pension fund statistics

Pension funds are financial intermediaries which invest the contributions they receive and which provide members with retirement income. They also often provide death and disability benefits.

We collect data on pension funds’ balance sheets and the number of their members, as they play a crucial role in financial markets as institutional investors. This information is essential for us to analyse and understand the financial system and household wealth.

Our statistics provide a breakdown of the assets and liabilities of pension funds in the euro area. Data on the number of pension fund members and their status (active, deferred and retired) are also available.

Pension fund statistics include information on both outstanding amounts (“stock data”) and transactions (“flow data”).

Latest developments


Data on the assets and liabilities of pension funds are published in the PFBR dataset. Data are updated every quarter.

Data on the members of pension funds resident in the euro area are published in the PFBM dataset. Data are updated every year. 

Overview charts

This section includes a set of charts for quick reference and country comparison covering the assets and liabilities of pension funds presented as outstanding amounts and transactions.

Additional data breakdowns are published on the ECB Data Portal, under assets and liabilities of pension funds.

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