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Survey on Eurosystem plans for trials and experiments on new technologies for wholesale central bank money settlement

13 October 2023

Updated 5 December 2023: answers to the questions received about this survey are available in the annex.

The Eurosystem has launched a survey to gauge interest in experiments and trials for central bank money settlement of wholesale financial transactions recorded on distributed ledger technology (DLT) platforms. The Eurosystem’s New Technologies for Wholesale Settlement Contact Group (NTW-CG) is supporting the development of the modalities that will be used to explore three interoperability solutions in 2024.

Financial market participants and operators of market DLT platforms have until 31 October to take part in the survey. Respondents are invited to share their preliminary interest in exploring the Eurosystem solutions in 2024. Participation in the survey does not constitute any formal commitment and all information will be treated confidentially. Respondents will be kept informed about the upcoming formal call for expression of interest and subsequent public information session.

More information on the scope, eligibility criteria and timeline of the Eurosystem’s exploratory work on new technologies for wholesale central bank money settlement can be found in the annex of this publication. The objectives of the exploratory work are set out in the related press release.

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