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Is financial stability at risk in these stormy times?

How is financial stability faring in today's challenging environment? What risks do we see for financial markets and real estate?

Our host Katie Ranger talks to financial stability experts Tamarah Shakir and John Fell on The ECB Podcast.

The views expressed are those of the speakers and not necessarily those of the European Central Bank.

Published on 24 November 2022 and recorded on 21 November 2022.

In this episode
What is happening in financial markets?

What risks lie ahead for financial markets, and what factors are responsible for the emerging vulnerabilities in this sector.

Governments’ support measures and financial stability

What impact country's support measures and rising debt levels might have on the financial system, and how targeted fiscal policies can help reduce financial stability risks.

What’s going on in the housing market?

Why house prices are rising more slowly and how higher interest rates are affecting people’s ability to pay their mortgages.

Non-bank financial institutions and financial stability

Why we are monitoring developments in the non-banks sector, and what risks they might pose for the financial system.

Our guests’ hot tips

Our financial experts John Fell and Tamarah Shakir share their book recommendations.

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