Għażliet tat-Tfixxija
Paġna ewlenija Midja Spjegazzjonijiet Riċerka u Pubblikazzjonijiet Statistika Politika Monetarja L-€uro Ħlasijiet u Swieq Karrieri
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Mhux disponibbli bil-Malti

Payment instructions – 2020

processed by TARGET and other selected interbank funds transfer systems: Volume of transactions (number of payments)
2020 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2020 AV
All TARGET payments
Total volume 17,963,610 18,278,032 24,083,513 18,367,391 17,562,751 20,200,423 19,470,112 16,868,292 19,002,477 19,196,215 20,353,670 20,987,396  
Daily average 816,528 913,902 1,094,705 918,370 851,692 918,201 846,527 803,252 863,749 872,555 969,222 953,973  
RTGS related payments
Total volume 7,643,126 7,380,085 7,982,751 6,586,366 6,455,681 7,305,459 7,737,798 6,630,955 7,504,749 7,641,445 7,493,621 8,304,508  
Daily average 347,415 369,004 362,852 329,318 322,784 332,066 336,426 315,760 341,125 347,338 356,839 377,478  
TARGET2 transactions on T2S Dedicated Cash Accounts (DCA)
Total volume 10,320,484 10,897,947 16,100,762 11,781,025 11,107,070 12,894,964 11,732,314 10,237,337 11,497,728 11,554,770 12,860,049 12,682,888  
Daily average 469,113 544,897 731,853 589,051 528,908 586,135 510,101 487,492 522,624 525,217 612,383 576,495  
TARGET2 transactions on TIPS Dedicated Cash Accounts (DCA)
Total volume 19,444 19,388 22,277 23,681 27,637 35,865 40,048 38,861 43,303 56,786 67,590 82,477  
Other systems
Euro 1 (EBA)
Total volume 4,172,907 3,858,013 4,203,687 3,545,342 3,437,004 3,841,689 4,011,765 3,421,080 3,884,777 3,964,311 3,816,530 4,094,626  
Daily average 189,678 192,901 191,077 177,267 171,850 174,622 174,425 162,909 176,581 180,196 181,740 186,119  

Please note, from January 2009 the ESCB has implemented a new collection and reporting methodology for TARGET2 data to improve quality. A further improvement to this reporting methodology was implemented from January 2013. This should be considered when comparing data from before and after the implementation dates.
Please note, in June 2015 T2S went live. The transactions on DCA are reported separately.

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